2018 Scholars


JFA President Kenneth Davis, Sr. introduces Scholars Charles Bailey and Emmitt Grier in VIP Room

JFA Scholar Kayla Hedgepeth and Mom Ms. Lynn Hedgepeth

Scholar Charles Bailey and mother Angela Swift.

JFA Scholar Emmitt Grier with JFA Advisory Board Members Thomas Williams of Peachtree Planning and Derrick Warren Director of SU Alumni Affairs

Emmitt Grier, Kori Houston Charles Bailey, Tonnay Tucker, Nykera Dixon, and Kayla Hedgepeth are awarded 2018 JFA Scholarships by President Kenneth Davis

JFA Board Member Jovita Moore and Southern University President congratulate the 2018 JFA Scholars Emmitt Grier, Kori Houston Charles Bailey, Tonnay Tucker, Nykera Dixon, and Kayla Hedgepeth